
Showing posts from July, 2014

U16 Camp day 4&5 recaps

Yesterday after some fun moosehoofing we did a fitness test. I really enjoyed both because skiing isn't all about what happens on race day and its very interesting to see what is behind the results and what is behind people's training.  Midwest girls at the top of the Moosehoof hill Yoga after the strength test  U16 girls  Today after a long skate ski we took the afternoon off and went whitewater rafting!! It was the first time I had ever gone and I really enjoyed it with my teammates! Before our long ski

U16 Day 3 recap

Yesterday was a little overcast, a little windy, and a little chilly, but in all it made a fantastic am rollerski. That was defiantly my favorite workout so far, though our pm work outs had a close 2 and 3. We started in the national park and double poles our way up the slight incline to Jenny Lake. The views were fantastic as we were skiing along the Teton Mountain range (seriously it was only a 1/4 of a mile away!!)  When we got to Jenny Lake we hiked around part of it and stuck our ankles in the freezing water.  Midwest team at camp After lunch we did some super tough continuous strength for an hour. We were also suppose to do some team bonding, but it started pouring making the obstacles too slippery.  U16 girls Last night we did some really awesome yoga which stretched us out and loosened up all of our muscles. 

U16 Camp Day 2

Yesterday was a great day of training. The weather was fantastic just with some wind and light rain in the afternoon. In the morning after some light running and stretching we did a long run with lots of bounding and ski walking intervals.  We cooled off afterwards with a swim in the river! After lunch we skied over to Jackson high school and did agility mixed in with some easy skiing.  One of the coolest things was last night out Norwegian coach Bjorn taught us a really neat lesson about the 24-hour skier. It was very eye opening. 

U16 camp- Jackson Hole Wyoming

After traveling for 3-ish days, my parents finally dropped me off at the gorgeous Teton science school campus. Today was an easy day as our only workouts consisted of an easy jog and strength.  While we were waiting for the rest of the skiers to arrive this morning, a group of new friends and I played Ultimate this morning and then the majority of our group played after our evening lesson! While we have only been here for a couple hours I can already feel the motions of high altitude, with mild headaches and even just the slight sprints down the field wind me! I'm having a blast though and I already feel like I've known these kids for a long time.  

Countdown to Wyoming!!!

The past couple weeks I've been training and testing and preparing for the biggest part of my summer, my U16 camp!! I leave in less than a week and am excited to update photos and stories!  This summer I've been training pretty hard, upping my miles and intensity and I am so pumped for the seasons ahead!!! Because my training days can be so repetitive I have a hard time talking about them, but recently me and a good friend had a couple hour canoe trip on a river near my cabin!  It  was a fun change of pace and we had a blast! The past weekend we also went to go watch some wiener dog races (okay that has nothing to do with training but it was so funny!)  A normal week includes around 4 days of strength, 3/4 difficult days, which includes at least one day with a 2 1/2+ hour workout.  I hope I'm prepared for my camp in Wyoming which the biggest obstacle will be the altitude. I have never been anywhere higher than the Midwest… so it will definitely be different!!!!!...