Make excuses to win

Summer has arrived! And with all the things a Minnesota season requires...... the weather extremes are here, too. 
And hey, it makes things interesting. And can also present challenges to some workouts!

A challenge on a beautiful evening distance workout 

For me, another big challenge to working out is getting out of the door. Once I get out, I love it, but the lazy human being in me always wants to make excuses to delay.  The other day when my parents and I were watching The movie Lone Survivor (I didn't watch the whole thing, way too scary) I heard a really great quote, "make excuses to win". As an athlete I know how easy it is to make excuses. I'm gonna need that inspiration  because the next 2 weeks, my family is going to be on the east coast, visiting family and doing a little tour in DC. It's so hard to motivate myself to workout when I'm on vacation, 
especially  when we are visiting my mom's family,because I only get to see my cousins once a year and I like to spend as much time as I can with them. One way I'm trying to prevent modifying  the workouts is planning them ahead of time and finding trails and bike routes. I do my workouts in the morning so I don't have to worry about food and distractions. I am also going to try to get my cousins to come out with me. The nice thing about traveling is I get to try out new spots and by the time I get home, all my home trails will feel like new! Also when I get back, I'll get to start rollerskiing with the Endurance United racing team! Because of a busy spring, (and life guarding training the past couple weekends!) I haven't gotten to train with them, except for this Sunday when we did 2 hours of technique and distance! That made me really pumped for training this summer. But first I gotta get through the east coast trip. 
See you in 2 weeks Minnesota!

We found out its a good idea to listen to these
1/4 mile landslide in lillydale Minnesota 

After the landslide

PS- soon I'll be uploading my blog from my national trip to this website. Look for it soon!


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