Summer Training Preview/Spring Wrap Up

After an exciting spring (National Races in March, fun track races), the beginning of June hits the final speed bump into summer training. This spring had a couple injuries for me, including hamstring and hip, but with those mostly out of the way, I'm starting to up my hours this week. 
                        Track season 2014 (Section 1600- far left)

As a multi-sport athlete, I like to focus on different areas in different sports, but when it comes down to the basics, the best way to improve in endurance sports is to gain endurance and strength.
Twin City Championships
So thats exactly what is in the schedule. This spring I started to get back into the habit of going into the gym 2-3 times a week, which during the summer will stay around 3 times a week. (Conveniently its in the backyard) I also am putting in a lot of distance this summer. 
Nationals 2014- Stowe, Vermont
My target range is around 250 hours, but starting off in June with 45 hours and building up. Some difficulties include vacations, but my goal is to find some cool places and change the location up a bit. I'm also in for some excitement, because I got invited to the Jackson Hole, WY U16 National camp this summer! 
Grand Marais- Spring 2014
My goal is to update 1/2 times a week with exciting workouts and ski related activities!
Family Grand Marais trip


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