Living in the UP

Writing down my goals has always been a big part of how I tackle the challenges I've faced throughout the year. If I'm having a bad day (or a bad week!) I can take a step back and evaluate my progress, see where I came from, and where I want to go. These big goals always would remotivate me, and reinspire me. 

Late Summer in Marquette was gorgeous 

This year, I decided in the spring not to make any goals for this year. I decided that since I didn't have any idea how fast I would recover from my shoulder surgery, and there would be so many changes in my life, that it would be hard to calculate a goal. 

Beautiful OD run mid-fall

So what has been motivating me these past few months? The beautiful town of Marquette, Michigan, and the highly competitive Northern Michigan Universtiy ski team. 

NMU Girl's Nordic Ski Team

I knew this summer, that I was going to get my butt kicked when I moved up here in late August. Although it's a small team, the girls are incredibly inspiring. It's easy to want to work hard every single day because everyone pushes each other and wants to see their teammates improve just as much as they want to improve. Combined with the combination of knowledgeable, hardass coaches, and all of the resources that NMU has to offer, this has definitely been one of my best falls of training ever.
Early Morning Run in the 2nd week of November!

Because I was always on Highland Park high school's Cross Country team in the fall, all of the ski training that I did was on top of the running I was doing. This year, I have been focusing completely on ski training- and within ski training, I've been focusing on strength and technique. Becuase I started from a low point after the spring and summer, I've seen huge advances in my strength, and encouraging improvements in my technique, which also helps with the motivation. 

Testing my fitness earlier this fall in a local 5k trail race

During my time here, I've also gotten a little bit of a grasp of what I might be able to accomplish this year. Although I'm still getting my butt kicked, I've always believed that the best way to get better is to train with people who are better than you. I'm learning so much from my new teammates and coaches, and I'm so excited to see where I am in a little less than a month when the season starts! 


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