Tears and Cheers

Last Tuesday, after a week of training, the Highland Park Nordic Team had our Section Meet. This year there was a change in the rules so now 2 teams from each section go to state and only 6 individual girls. We got 2nd for the past 2 years, but this year the competition was thicker. We had good races the first race which was a classic race around the 2 lap course. We were 6 points ahead of the 3rd place team and 8 points behind the 1st. We were pretty nervous in between races, and we decided that the next race was not going to be for our individual selfs. We were racing as a team, and we were racing for each other. We made each other laugh, as we cracked jokes, Anna taught me how to play part of a song on her ukulele and the guys were nicer than normal. But the race did eventually start and off we went, racing as hard as we could. I came in, and the boys were telling me their calculations. Don't tell the rest of the girls, I told them. Not yet. Because they said w...