It's obviously normal to have good and bad days. The highs and lows come in very many ways, like moods, races, and how you feel. And while it's rough to have those poor days, and feels fantastic to have those really good days, I find in the long run that it is best to set a line straight through the middle.
Had a mediocre day at the Ringer Roll |
Coming out of the U16 camp, I was in a high. I had put in some excellent training, good distance, intervals, running and skiing alike. The week I got home, I planned for a little higher hours than usual for the week, but low intensity so I would be ready for a couple races and time trials towards the end of the week.
Warming up for a rough Afton hill time trial |
The first intensity I had was at Afton, and it was the infamous Coulee time trial. I was excited to do it, but by the end I was disappointed how it turned out. I hadn't felt the quick tempo, or the powerful legs that I was use to, and many fingers pointed to the high hour week I had just come off of. But even with the excuse, I had a hard time believing that all of the time I had put in this summer had paid off.
Had a decent interval workout at the Relays |
Second was an interval workout on foot at the Como relays. It went pretty well, mainly because I ran even splits and was able to push myself pretty hard. It was hard to tell how well I was actually doing because the distance was unfamiliar and I wasn't running with anyone I really knew.
Although it's been a rough couple of comps, I'm ready to hit the ground running soon.
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