Working and Playing 🎉

The past few weeks have had a set routine, with days jammed packed with practice, working, weight room and running workouts and if I was lucky, hanging out with friends!
My sisters and I swimming one day 
Ran the Midsummer Mile with the family
Cousins and friends at the farm

My friend Libby had an exchange student for part of the summer, so when I was off if work, is try to hang out with them. We went to the beach, went swing dancing, and met for walks, frozen yogurt, and soccer! It was a great way to relax and try some new things. My family also went up to our cabin 2 times and I had an amazing time unwinding and running on new trails. 
Perfect Bluebird Skies

Now, I am in the car to Vermont for the U16 National Development Camp. This will be my 2nd year coming to camp, and one of the things I am most excited for is meeting skiers my age from all over the US, and training and testing in the gorgeous Vermont. 
Sister Acrobatics
One thing I'm bummed about is missing the last couple days of Minneapolis Ski Club summer training, while I'm at camp. The summer has really flown by, and I feel like training just started. At least I'll still be able to hang out and train with my teammates in early August!! Until then, expect picture blogs and fun things about camp!!


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