A week breakdown

This week has been so busy. Let me just break down the average day. Or the 2 average days… I guess. This week I started swimming with my school's swim team in their early morning practices. This for me includes waking up at 5:00am, getting all my stuff together, eating breakfast and biking the 2 miles uphill in the dark to my school. We workout for an hour, doing light core work, and some lap swimming. What I feel like when I swim After I get ready for school, I sit 5 long periods before I get to my favorite class, strength and fitness! We work out for about 45 minutes and then I only have to survive one more class before Cross Country!! This week, because we had two races, our workouts have been fairly easy. Then I race home, rush through my homework and dinner, and then run up to my lifeguarding job. As soon as I get home I go to bed. My other routine day involves light weight room workout 6th period and then right after school, a cross country meet. We had 2 this we...