Last day of U16 Camp: The Hike

If you ever get the chance, go hiking in the Tetons. It was definitely one of the most memorable moments of the U16 camp, and I'm so glad I was chosen for the camp because even though it was only a week, I was filled to the brim with new knowledge and ideas. It was an amazing experience and I am very excited to push the boundaries even more now. 
Saturday morning we took an early start to get out on the trail. It was a gorgeous morning with a great big blue sky and perfect comfortably warm weather. We all started off together but ended up breaking up into smaller groups. 
My fellow hikers and I almost to the top
We ended up hiking for 4 hours to complete 15 miles. We summated 3 mountains and climbed up to around 10,300 feet. 
 Climbing up the 2nd mountain
One thing I'm very happy about is I got to have a snowball fight in August! And we made snow angels, although the snow glacier was pretty packed down. 
Snowball fight!!!
We ended up eating lunch on the very top of the last mountain, which our coaches ended bringing up on the tram. It was so gorgeous, and very memorable last day. 
Midwest kids at the top!
View from 1/2 up the last mountain 
After lunch and a lot of pictures we took the tram down the mountain and then went swimming in the Snake River where we had white water rafted on Thursday. 
Saturday night we had a dance off as a going away party and then we all left Sunday morning. It was an amazing opportunity and I got to meet amazing coaches and athletes.
 U16 girls 


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