Racing Preview

The next two weeks will be very busy as the January racing season is starting! I raced last night,( a conference race) and this weekend my dad and I are driving up to Telemark, WI for the 2nd set of JOQ
races. I missed the first set because of our team's Maplelag ski trip, so I must make each race count@ On
From a Conference race at Battle Creek earlier this year
Saturday I have a 5k classic race (mass start) and on Sunday I have a 5k skate race (individual). Names to watch for U16 skiers: Hannah Rudd and Anna Johnson. After the weekend, I have a race Tuesday which is a sprint race within our conference.
Also from a BC conference race
The favorite is Mattie Watts, and for 2nd, Elowyn Pffeifer and I. On Friday is our conference meet at Baker Park. Again, the favorite is Mattie and then Elowyn and I battling out for 2nd. Straight from Baker, I will
The 80K group from Maplelag

drive up to Mount Itasca for another 5k freestyle individual start (Saturday) and then a 1.5k classic sprint (sunday). That is all for now!


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